Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Think you know me??

There are so many people in my current life who have known me since I was a very, very young girl.

How well do you actually know me??

Take this quiz & find out:

The Randomness of the Rivster!

Good luck!

Credit Notes: Many thanks to PepGiraffe for introducing this idea to me. I've know PG her entire life and still scored miserably. 'Course, I don't test well ;)


At 9:58 AM, Blogger PepGiraffe said...

This is really embarrasing. I actually scored worse on your quiz than you scored on my quiz. We'll have to make Actor/RobSPetri and JockBro make up quizes and than take ours so that we can all average out the scores. I hate being last. (Even if it is only out of two!)

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a great test taker! Trust me, you don't want curly brown hair!!!!


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

Wow, PG -- you really should be embarrassed! Now I am curious...which one did you get right?? And how what did you think was the right answer for the wrong ones??

My best friend in the whole wide world got 3 out of 10 and PC's sis got 5 out of 10 and she probably spends more time with me that PG and Best Friend put together due to proximity.

Hm.... anyone else wanna give it a shot??

At 2:35 PM, Blogger PepGiraffe said...

I will say two things in my defense: 1) For most of the answers, my second guess would have been right.
2) There was just that one thing actually.

I'll send you a separate email about which I got right and which I got wrong. I wouldn't want to give anything away. (Although I think you can see that itself.)


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