Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Rolling Pin By Any Other Name

I remember my former trainer (an Olympic athlete) telling me how she would get daily massages while she was training for her elite events. Since that was before I was training for the marathon, I thought it sounded like a nice way to beat stress. I now know why she required the hands of an expert!

I am not a professional athlete. There is no way that I can afford (time-wise or finance-wise) to keep a masseuse on retainer. A brilliant thought occurred to me during Saturday's run -- I seemed to recall that I have an unused rolling pin in my kitchen. It's not doing much good there, but maybe it would have better luck in the bedroom ;)

Well, apparently I was on to something. PC used it to loosen up some of my muscles and then I discovered that I could actually use it on myself to work out some of the tight spots in my quads and shins too.

I wonder what some of those other things in the kitchen might be used for in real life??


At 3:03 PM, Blogger PepGiraffe said...

Um . . . I just wanted to point out that the end of the second paragraph there sounds a little bit like the beginning of a Penthouse Forum letter. Although, come to think of it, it might be a good way to up your readership. :)

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

That is an interesting thought...though rolling pin isn't really my style!

Seriously, though, it is a really good use for the rolling pin since I haven't had much time for baking. And it really does work!

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Danny said...

Ah, the old rolling pin in the bedroom trick...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Best of luck with your marathon!!


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