I'm a Gryffindor!!
As you can see by the image to the right, the Sorting-Hat placed me in the very same house as Harry and his pals!!
Yes, we succumbed to literary pressure and got the latest installment of Harry Potter. PC read it on Saturday and I started on Sunday. I must admit that after about 100 pages I decided to take a break. I'm just not in the right place for Harry Potter right now. Maybe it's because I'm in the midst of reading about 100 books for our upcoming Book Festival...hm...
BTW, I couldn't run yesterday. I gave it a shot, but my left hamstring is still too wound up. I ended up walking about 3.5 miles and then just had to take a break. It's feeling just a wee bit looser today so maybe I'll be able to manage an actual run tomorrow!!
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