Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's All About The Equipment

I made a startling discovery during yesterday's run -- the right equipment can really affect the run!

The good news:
(1) Fuel Belt -- a tremendous improvement over my former water holder. This fits my waist much better and also displaces the liquid all the way around.
(2) Running Shorts -- after suffering chafed thighs and general discomfort, I decided to give my old fitness shorts a try. No chafing. The only down side is that they don't breathe as well. I'll take a look on the web this week (after yuntiv) and see if I can find something that is more comfortable and breathes. In the meantime, however, I'm sticking with my old shorts.
(3) Energy Gel -- I have tried many flavours but up until now, just couldn't find anything that I actually liked. I felt that consistency was like honey, but none of the gels or GU's really tasted very good. I kept thinking that it was just too bad that honey makers didn't package honey in such a way that it would travel well. Then I found Honey Stinger. Perfect!

The not-so-good news:
(1) New Shoes -- it is suggested that runners break in new shoes several weeks before the race. Just my luck -- my shoe was discontinued. So I got the updated version and it wasn't very comfortable on Saturday's run. I'm going to try some lacing tricks and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'll have to start all over.

I got in 10 miles on Saturday. We are beginning to taper as D-Day approaches. It is just under 3 weeks away. I am starting to dream about it. Which may explain why I keep waking up so darn tired!!


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Larue said...

Hey, it's Lael! Congrats on this great undertaking.

Have you been to Runner's High on Second Street in Belmont Shore? Maybe they can help you with your shorts:)

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

Hey Lael!!

Actually, there is a Runner's High right by my house and I haven't found anything to my liking. Most stores cater to the skinny runners!!

Happy new year!!!

;) R

At 3:01 PM, Blogger PepGiraffe said...

I hate that. It's like, if I dream about work, why should I have to go to work that day? I've been there all night. However, it is possible that the dreams somehow help your training. Hey, you never know.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Rebecca Einstein Schorr said...

I should do a google search and see if there is any truth to your theory...

;) R


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