As mentioned in yesterday's post, I did send off a letter to our Campaign Manager, expressing my disappointment in Saturday's experience. Here is my letter:
Dear J,
It was a great experience to train with the SOC team this past Saturday...thanks for coordinating everything.
I would like to mention that it was very disappointing to return from a grueling run only to find that virtually everyone had left, the ice bath had been drained, and the massage therapist was packed up and ready to go. A, M, and I are ALWAYS the last ones to return and each week we are told by our mentors and coach that speed doesn't matter. When we returned from the run this week and not one of our mentors was there and the promised perks were packed up, it suddenly felt as though speed matters considerably. I think that had we known that we needed to get back by a certain time in order to take advantage of the foot bath and massages, we would not have felt as bad. After all, we would have known in advance that we'd be missing out! Perhaps things might be done a little differently next time...
Thanks in advance!
;) Rebecca
I was impressed that J's response came back quickly. That made me feel better!
Rebecca, First congratulations on your miles on Saturday!!!! I am so sorry about everyone being gone when you returned, you will find as the miles increase that people will not stay around as much as they have in the past, other things to do on their Saturday. I also heard you all talking about starting earlier and that is a great idea, I know that Coach B will work with you on that. The walkers are usually the last to come in, and they started at 6AM so they returned to enjoy all the stuff. As you can see your coach and mentor have been cc'd on this email and I want them to see your comments..they should have been there waiting for you to come in... As for tearing things down, this weekend was a little different than being at each of the training site as I usually am each weekend. as you saw when you took off, we had a canopy and tables and lots of stuff that all came out of my car and had I waited until everyone was in and then ready to leave, I would have had to pack that all back by myself and some of it is impossible to take down with one or two people and the tables are heavy and bulky to get into my car. I did try and keep food and drinks out for you. As for the ice bath, it was emptied out before I knew it, next time I will be sure that is the LAST thing I do...!!! As for the Dr.'s, they donated their time and they both have practices to run so even though they are there to help us their time is their own, I have no control over how long they stay, sorry...I am sure that B and T will address this with the mentors and I hope that in the future this will not happen again. We learn by our mistakes so stick with us - we will get it right!!! Let me know if you have any other concerns....Have a great week and see you on Saturday...j
It was good to get some explanation and to feel as though I gave her some insights that she might not have had. Hopefully this will serve to improve the program!
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