Show Me The Money
So you know that in addition to pushing myself physically, I am also responsible for raising a whole bunch of money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Well, I am humbled by the overwhelming response I've had from so many dear friends and loved ones!! To date, I have raised over $3,700.00 for cancer research and patient services. And I am not done -- I have raised my goal to $4,200.00 (with the secret hope to raise it to $5,400.00 -- which is 300 X chai).
My point -- it seems that one of my husband's friends has been witholding his donation until such point I was able to run 6 miles. Apparently, 6 miles represents some type of benchmark, I don't know. Initially, it irked me. After all, I'm not a runner. So the 2 mile mark was a benchmark. So was 3 miles, and so forth. Having run 6 miles on Saturday -- yes, you read that right -- I can't say there is anything magical about that number. Since we run a looped route on Saturday mornings, it is only another 0.5 mile to get to the 6 mile total mark. And I had the added incentive this week ;)
So -- you know who you are -- show me the money!
06/27/04 - no donation yet...
07/04/05 - ran 8 miles on Saturday and my first 5K...but no money yet!!
07/21/05 - chai X 10 -- thanks for the support!
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