And so it begins...
21 May 2005
The first day of training!!! I awaken at an un-Godly hour, very nervous. Everything I am wearing today is new -- my shoes, shorts, support bra, training "singlet" (fancy name for a running shirt), etc. I had a filling but not too filling breakfast and had post-run snacks.
Who was this person??
I was encouraged by the number of people who had never run before. But after having conversations with several of these so-called beginners, I discover that many had actually run in high school. Not me! I was the kid who was hiding in the bushes, waiting for the rest of gym class to run by and head into the locker room.
But now my coach (my what!) refers to me as an athlete and before I know it, we are pounding the pavement.
In the movie version, I keep up with the pack, displaying a perfect stride.
In reality, I am the slowest one and look like a sloth gasping for air.
My shins back hurts...even my fat hurts.
I can't even manage to run the entire 2 miles.
But I do my best and collapse into bed when I get home.
27 May 2005
This first week is over...whew!
I actually managed to drag myself out of bed three days this week to run. A bit of an overstatement. Some running and a lot of walking.
I wrote the following to my mentor:
"All I can say is O-U-C-H! I really hurt yesterday. But I got up and ran at 5:45 this morning!!! Well, some running and a lot of walking! Hopefully by the end of the week I can do more running and less walking. I completed the 2 miles in 30 minutes. At that rate, I should finish the marathon in just under 7 hours – UGH!! I am less concerned about the time than I am about the fact that I am still walking more than I am running. I assume that within a couple of weeks that will flip flop??"
Still waiting for the flip flop!! We'll see how the group run is tomorrow...supposedly I'll be running 3 miles!
29 May 2005
I ran more that I walked yesterday...but the three miles was really tough! When I say that I am the slowest runner...I am not being hyperbolic in any way! I run with the slowest group (we've named ourselves "The Tortoises," and let's just say that I'm the slowest tortoise!!! However, my mentor Ellen reminded me that as long as I'm not planning on winning the damn race, it doesn't matter how long it takes me to finish!
7 June 2005
I was in NYC this past week for the National Jewish Book Council meetings. NYC is THE city for runners. Apparently 7,000 people run through Central Park each day! Amazing! What is even more amazing is that I was one of them ;)
Yes, I almost blew off my training this week, citing accute time-zone issues. Is that bad to write here? That I was going to flake during my second week of training?? Anyway, some of the other people attending the meeting were going to run and I found myself swept up in the peer pressure.
All I can say is that Central Park is a bit hillier than my usual jogs around the neighbourhood. The two miles in CP was killer for me. And you can be sure that I complained about the entire time.
But what was most amazing is that when I returned home, I was able to do the 4 mile run without stopping!!! And I feel so awesome about that. A true accomplishment for this former non-athlete.
Of course, I overslept yesterday and missed my run so I've yet to see if I can repeat the magic -- I'll update after tomorrow's run ;)
Wish me luck...
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