Monday, June 06, 2005


It was recently suggested that I archive my efforts as I train for the Nike Women's Marathon in October of this year. For those who know me, you can certify that I am not from the athletes. I have never run a mile in my entire life. Not even in high school! I was the kid who was hiding the bushes, waiting for the rest of gym class to head back into the locker room.

So why start now??

An honest question. One that I have been asked many time since I began this quest just three weeks ago.

Let me share with you the letter that I have sent to over 150 of my friends, family members, and colleagues:

Dear Friends,

Blood related cancers will strike 110,000 American this year! They are also the #1 disease killers of children.

All of my professional life, I have been active in acts of gemilut chasadim (acts of loving kindness) and tzedakah (righteous giving). Each act, however, was undertaken by me in my capacity as a Rabbi. Now, I am doing something as a private individual. I am doing something as a Jew. As a woman. As a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I have joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program. This program enables me to challenge myself physically while making a financial impact for the benefit of cancer research and patient support programs.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a national voluntary health agency dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma, as well as improving the quality of life of patients and their families. Through their Team in Training programs, we are able to make a difference in the lives of countless numbers of individuals.

In my commitment to Team in Training, I will be competing in the Nike Women’s Marathon on October 23 in San Francisco. With God’s help, over the course of a beautiful autumn day, I will run 26.2 miles. I am hoping to finish in less than 7 hours. (Yes, you read that correctly! I said 7 hours of continuous exercise. Did I mention that it’ll be about 68 degrees?) This is recognized as one of the most breathtaking courses in the country and I feel fortunate to be able to participate in such a special way.

As a member of the Team, I have committed that I will raise $3,600 (200 chai) to help fund research and patient care. Thirty years ago, there was a 4% survival rate for people with blood cancers. Today, there is an 80% chance of survival because of the funding that’s been done through this program, and because of people like you who help us raise the money!

Please help support me in this project by contributing generously. I can’t make it without your love, enthusiasm, care and financial support. Please return the attached form by June 25th to demonstrate your support. You can donate easily on-line or via snail mail.

I hope that you agree with me about the importance of this cause. Training for this marathon will be the most physically challenging thing I have ever done. But my challenge will be nothing compared to the challenge those with leukemia, lymphoma, or any of the other blood cancers have to overcome on a daily basis battling this disease.

Thank you for being a part of my life, especially during this significant physical and mental milestone, and thank you in advance for your support. You can donate easily at

With my sincere thanks and gratitude,


This blog will follow me as I prepare for the most physical challenge of my life -- won't you join me on my journey??


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